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1DAG,{D$Ã1H5ʅ1H=1E\E2EfAWL=AVIAUIATAUH-tSL)H?Ht1LLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_ff.HHunable to open binary file %s: %s read 0 bytes from binary file %s %s: carry_over error ['%s'] around line %d %s: syntax error at line %d, pos %d first 40 characters of line: %.40s %s: hex number larger than 0xff in line %d, pos %d %s: error in line %d, at pos %d %s: hex number larger than 0xff at pos %d %s: %s not found in user data %s: response data from user<<< warning response buffer too small [was %d but need %d]>>> <<< warning: resid=%d too large, implies negative reply length: %d Enclosure busy, try again later Enclosure only supports Short Enclosure Status: 0x%x Invalid response, wanted page code: 0x%x but got 0x%x Diagnostic pages, followed by abbreviation(s) then page code: Send diagnostic command page name: %s Send diagnostic command page number: 0x%x Usage: sg_ses [--descriptor=DES] [--dev-slot-num=SN] [--eiioe=A_F] [--filter] [--get=STR] [--hex] [--index=IIA | =TIA,II] [--inner-hex] [--join] [--maxlen=LEN] [--page=PG] [--quiet] [--raw] [--readonly] [--sas-addr=SA] [--status] [--verbose] [--warn] DEVICE sg_ses [--byte1=B1] [--clear=STR] [--control] [--data=H,H...] [--descriptor=DES] [--dev-slot-num=SN] [--index=IIA | =TIA,II] [--mask] [--maxlen=LEN] [--nickid=SEID] [--nickname=SEN] [--page=PG] [--sas-addr=SA] [--set=STR] [--verbose] DEVICE sg_ses --data=@FN --status [-rr] [] sg_ses [--enumerate] [--help] [--index=IIA] [--list] [--version] Or the corresponding short option usage: sg_ses [-D DES] [-x SN] [-E A_F] [-f] [-G STR] [-H] [-I IIA|TIA,II] [-i] [-j] [-m LEN] [-p PG] [-q] [-r] [-R] [-A SA] [-s] [-v] [-w] DEVICE sg_ses [-b B1] [-C STR] [-c] [-d H,H...] [-D DES] [-x SN] [-I IIA|TIA,II] [-M] [-m LEN] [-N SEID] [-n SEN] [-p PG] [-A SA] [-S STR] [-v] DEVICE sg_ses -d @FN -s [-rr] [] sg_ses [-e] [-h] [-I IIA] [-l] [-V] For help use with '-h' one or more times where the main options are: --clear=STR|-C STR clear field by acronym or position --control|-c send control information (def: fetch status) --descriptor=DES|-D DES descriptor name (for indexing) --dev-slot-num=SN|--dsn=SN|-x SN device slot number (for indexing) --filter|-f filter out enclosure status flags that are clear use twice for status=okay entries only --get=STR|-G STR get value of field by acronym or position --help|-h print out usage message, use twice for additional --index=IIA|-I IIA individual index ('-1' for overall) or element type abbreviation (e.g. 'arr'). A range may be given for the individual index (e.g. '2-5') --index=TIA,II|-I TIA,II comma separated pair: TIA is type header index or element type abbreviation; II is individual index ('-1' for overall) --join|-j group Enclosure Status, Element Descriptor and Additional Element Status pages. Use twice to add Threshold In page --page=PG|-p PG diagnostic page code (abbreviation or number) (def: 'ssp' [0x0] (supported diagnostic pages)) --sas-addr=SA|-A SA SAS address in hex (for indexing) --set=STR|-S STR set value of field by acronym or position --status|-s fetch status information (default action) First usage above is for fetching pages or fields from a SCSI enclosure. The second usage is for changing a page or field in an enclosure. The '--clear=', '--get=' and '--set=' options can appear multiple times. Use '-hh' for more help, including the options not explained above. where the remaining sg_ses options are: --byte1=B1|-b B1 byte 1 (2nd byte) of control page set to B1 --data=H,H...|-d H,H... string of ASCII hex bytes to send as a control page or decode as a status page --data=- | -d - fetch string of ASCII hex bytes from stdin --data=@FN | -d @FN fetch string of ASCII hex bytes from file: FN --eiioe=A_F|-E A_F A_F is either 'auto' or 'force'. 'force' acts as if EIIOE field is 1, 'auto' tries to guess --enumerate|-e enumerate page names + element types (ignore DEVICE). Use twice for clear,get,set acronyms --hex|-H print page response (or field) in hex --inner-hex|-i print innermost level of a status page in hex --list|-l same as '--enumerate' option --mask|-M ignore status element mask in modify actions (e.g.--set= and --clear=) (def: apply mask) --maxlen=LEN|-m LEN max response length (allocation length in cdb) --nickid=SEID|-N SEID SEID is subenclosure identifier (def: 0) used to specify which nickname to change --nickname=SEN|-n SEN SEN is new subenclosure nickname --quiet|-q suppress some output messages --raw|-r print status page in ASCII hex suitable for '-d'; when used twice outputs page in binary to stdout --readonly|-R open DEVICE read-only (def: read-write) --verbose|-v increase verbosity --version|-V print version string and exit --warn|-w warn about join (and other) issues If no options are given then DEVICE's supported diagnostic pages are listed. STR can be ':[:][=]' or '[=val]'. Element type abbreviations may be followed by a number (e.g. 'ps1' is the second power supply element type). Use 'sg_ses -e' and 'sg_ses -ee' for more information. Low level indexing can be done with one of the two '--index=' options. Alternatively, medium level indexing can be done with either the '--descriptor=', 'dev-slot-num=' or '--sas-addr=' options. Support for the medium level options in the SES device is itself optional. %shigh critical=%s, high warning=%s %slow warning=%s, low critical=%s (in Celsius) %shigh critical=%.1f %%, high warning=%.1f %% (above nominal voltage) %slow warning=%.1f %%, low critical=%.1f %% (below nominal voltage) %shigh critical=%.1f %%, high warning=%.1f %%%s<< no thresholds for this element type >> unknown external connector type: 0x%xunknown internal wide connector type: 0x%xunknown internal connector to end device, type: 0x%xreserved for internal connector, type: 0x%xvendor specific connector type: 0x%x%sPredicted failure=%d, Disabled=%d, Swap=%d, status: %s %sstatus in hex: %02x %02x %02x %02x %sIn crit array=%d, In failed array=%d, Rebuild/remap=%d, R/R abort=%d %sDo not remove=%d, RMV=%d, Ident=%d, Enable bypass A=%d %sEnable bypass B=%d, Bypass A enabled=%d, Bypass B enabled=%d %sEnc bypassed B=%d, Ready to insert=%d, RMV=%d, Ident=%d %sReport=%d, App client bypassed B=%d, Fault sensed=%d, Fault requested=%d %sDevice off=%d, Bypassed A=%d, Bypassed B=%d, Device bypassed A=%d %sOvertmp fail=%d, Temperature warn=%d, AC fail=%d, DC fail=%d %sIdent=%d, Do not remove=%d, Hot swap=%d, Fail=%d, Requested on=%d %sOff=%d, Actual speed=%d rpm, Fan %s %sIdent=%d, Fail=%d, OT failure=%d, OT warning=%d, UT failure=%d %sIdent=%d, Fail=%d, Open=%d, Unlock=%d %sIdent=%d, Fail=%d, Request mute=%d, Mute=%d, Remind=%d %sTone indicator: Info=%d, Non-crit=%d, Crit=%d, Unrecov=%d %sIdent=%d, Fail=%d, Do not remove=%d, Report=%d, Hot swap=%d %sIdent=%d, Fail=%d, Report=%d %sIdent=%d, Fail=%d, Size multiplier=%d, Non volatile cache size=0x%x %sHence non volatile cache size: %d %s %slast 3 bytes (hex): %02x %02x %02x %sByte offset=%d, bit number=%d %sBattery status: discharged or unknown %sBattery status: 255 or more minutes remaining %sBattery status: %d minutes remaining %sAC low=%d, AC high=%d, AC qual=%d, AC fail=%d, DC fail=%d %sUPS fail=%d, Warn=%d, Intf fail=%d, Ident=%d, Fail=%d, Do not remove=%d %sIdent=%d, Fail=%d, Display mode status=%d, Display character status=0x%x%sWarning indication=%d, Requested power off duration=%d %sFailure requested=%d, Warning requested=%d %sIdent=%d, Fail=%d, Report=%d, Disabled=%d, Loss of link=%d, Xmit fail=%d %sIdent=%d, Language code: %.2s %sIdent=%d, Fail=%d, Disabled=%d %sIdent=%d, Fail=%d, Warn Over=%d, Warn Under=%d, Crit Over=%d %sIdent=%d, Fail=%d, Warn Over=%d, Crit Over=%d %sIdent=%d, Fail=%d, Report=%d, Enabled=%d %sIdent=%d, Fail=%d, Short enclosure status: 0x%x %sApp client bypass A=%d, Do not remove=%d, Enc bypass A=%d, Enc bypass B=%d %sReady to insert=%d, RMV=%d, Ident=%d, Report=%d %sApp client bypass B=%d, Fault sensed=%d, Fault reqstd=%d, Device off=%d %sBypassed A=%d, Bypassed B=%d, Dev bypassed A=%d, Dev bypassed B=%d %sConnector physical link=0x%x, Mated=%d, Fail=%d, OC=%d %sUnknown element type, status in hex: %02x %02x %02x %02x %sVendor specific element type, status in hex: %02x %02x %02x %02x %sOK=%d, Reserved device=%d, Hot spare=%d, Cons check=%d %sApp client bypassed A=%d, Do not remove=%d, Enc bypassed A=%d %sIdent=%d, Do not remove=%d, DC overvoltage=%d, DC undervoltage=%d %sDC overcurrent=%d, Hot swap=%d, Fail=%d, Requested on=%d, Off=%d %sIdent=%d, Time until power cycle=%d, Failure indication=%d %s: unable to allocate %d bytes on heap %s: couldn't read config page, res=%d %s: short enc descriptor len=%d ?? %s: unable to find element type '%s%d' %s: unable to find element type '%s' %s port index: %d, port loop position: %d, port bypass reason: 0x%x %srequested hard address: %d, n_port identifier: %02x%02x%02x %snumber of phys: %d, not all phys: %d%s initiator port for:%s%s%s %s target port for:%s%s%s%s%s %sAttached connector; other_element pairs: %sunrecognised element type [%d] for desc_type 1 %sunrecognised descriptor type [%d] %snumber of ports: %d, not all ports: %d%sTransport protocol: PCIe subprotocol=0x%x not decoded %s PSN_VALID=%d, BDF_VALID=%d, CID_VALID=%d %s bus number: 0x%x, device number: 0x%x, function number: 0x%x %s physical slot number: 0x%x %sTransport protocol: %s not decoded %sfor this protocol EIP must be set (it isn't) Primary enclosure logical identifier (hex): Enclosure Status response too short <> Element Descriptor response too short Element Descriptor page not available Additional Element Status response too short Additional Element Status page not available Threshold In response too short Threshold In page not available warning: %s: off end of ae page %s: oi=%d, ei=%d [num_eoe=%d], eiioe=1 not in join_arr warning: aes slot already in use, keep existing AES+%s dropping AES+%s [length=%d, oi=%d, ei=%d, aes_i=%d] warning2: dropping AES+%s [length=%d, oi=%d, ei=%d, aes_i=%d] warning3: aes slot already in use, keep existing AES+%s warning: %s: oi=%d, ei=%d, unexpected element_type=0x%x warning: %s: join_arr has no space Dump of join array, each line is a row. Lines start with [: ,] '-1' indicates overall element or not applicable. %.*s [%d,%d] Element type: %s >>> no match on --index=%d,%d >>> no match on --descriptor=%s >>> no match on --dev-slot-name=%d >>> no match on --sas-addr=0xwarning: %s: oi=%d, ei=%d (broken_ei=%d) not in join_arr warning: %s: oi=%d, ei=%d, not in join_arr warning: %s: join_arr has no space for ae Configuration diagnostic page: number of secondary subenclosures: %d Subenclosure identifier: %d%s relative ES process id: %d, number of ES processes: %d number of type descriptor headers: %d enc descriptor len=%d ?? enclosure logical identifier (hex): enclosure vendor: %.8s product: %.16s rev: %.4s type descriptor header and text list Element type: %s, subenclosure id: %d number of possible elements: %d <<>> Enclosure Status diagnostic page: INVOP=%d, INFO=%d, NON-CRIT=%d, CRIT=%d, UNRECOV=%d Element type: %s, subenclosure id: %d [ti=%d] <<>> <<>> Help text diagnostic page (for primary subenclosure):String In diagnostic page (for primary subenclosure): Threshold status descriptor list <<>> Element Descriptor In diagnostic page: element descriptor list (grouped by type): Overall descriptor: %.*s Overall descriptor: Element %d descriptor: %.*s Element %d descriptor: <<>> Short enclosure status diagnostic page, status=0x%x Enclosure Busy diagnostic page, busy=%d [vendor specific=0x%x] Additional element status diagnostic page: additional element status descriptor list%s: hack, bad ei=%d, fake_ei=%d skipping etype=0x%x, k=%d due to element_index=%d bounds effective eiioe=%d, elem_count=%d, num_elems=%d Element index: %d eiioe=%d%s flagged as invalid (no further information) <<>> Subenclosure help text diagnostic page: subenclosure identifier: %d <<>> Subenclosure string in diagnostic page: <<>> Supported SES diagnostic pagesDownload microcode status diagnostic page: subenclosure identifier: %d%s download microcode status: %s [0x%x] download microcode additional status: 0x%x download microcode status: 0x%x [additional status: 0x%x] download microcode maximum size: %d bytes download microcode expected buffer id: 0x%x download microcode expected buffer id offset: %d <<>> Subenclosure nickname status diagnostic page: nickname additional status: 0x%x nickname language code: %.2s Cannot decode response from diagnostic page: %s A:b:cC:d:D:eE:fG:hHiI:jln:N:m:Mp:qrRsS:vVwx:bad argument to '--sas-addr=SA' error decoding '--sas-addr=SA' argument bad argument to '--byte1=B1' (0 to 255 inclusive) --clear= option too long (max %d characters) Too many --clear=, --get= and --set= options (max: %d) --eiioe option expects 'auto' or 'force' as an argument --get= option too long (max %d characters) bad argument to '--nickid=SEID' (0 to 255 inclusive) bad argument to '--maxlen=LEN' (0 to 65535 inclusive expected) Warning: --maxlen=LEN less than 4 ignored bad argument to '--page=PG' (0 to 255 inclusive) --set= option too long (max %d characters) bad argument to '--dev-slot-num' (0 to 255 inclusive) unrecognised option code 0x%x ?? Unexpected extra argument: %s unable to allocate %u bytes on heap bad argument, expect '--data=H,H...', '--data=-' or '--data=@FN' %s found, offset %d, dp_len=%d cannot have '--join' and '--control' bad argument to '--index=', after comma expect number from -1 to 255 bad argument to '--index', after '-' expect number from -%d to 255 bad argument to '--index', string prior to comma too long For more information use '--help' bad argument to '--index', string too long bad argument to '--index', unexpected '-1' type header index bad numeric argument to '--index', expect number from 0 to 255 bad element type code for '--index', expect value from 0 to 255 bad element type code for '--index', expect from 0 to 255 element type abbreviation: %s, etp_num=%d, individual index=%d type header index=%d, individual index=%d cannot have --index with either --descriptor, --dev-slot-num or --sas-addr can only have one of --descriptor, --dev-slot-num and --sas-addr process as if --join option is set assume --page=2 (es) option is set cannot have both '--control' and '--status' need to give '--data' in control mode when user data given, require '--control' or '--status' option >>> Warning: device name (%s) will be ignored since '--nickname=' implies control mode, require '--control' as well since '--nickname=' assume or expect '--page=snic' '--nickid=' must be used together with '--nickname=' Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action >>> DEVICE %s ignored when --%s option given. SES element type names, followed by abbreviation and element type code:--clear, --get, --set acronyms for Enclosure Status/Control ['es' or 'ec'] page --clear, --get, --set acronyms for Threshold In/Out ['th'] page: --get acronyms for Additional Element Status ['aes'] page (SAS EIP=1):Unable to get heap for enc_stat_rsp Unable to get heap for elem_desc_rsp Unable to get heap for add_elem_rsp Unable to get heap for threshold_rsp --clear, --get or --set options only supported for the Enclosure Control/Status, Threshold In/Out and Additional Element Status pages with --clear, --get or --set option need either --index, --descriptor, --dev-slot-num or --sas-addr expected: [=] needs to be between 0 and 127 needs to be between 0 and 7 needs to be between 1 and 64 unable to decode STR argument to: %s --get option ignoring = at the end of STR argument construct pt_base failed, probably out of memory %s doesn't respond to a SCSI INQUIRY Short INQUIRY response, not looking good %s device has EncServ bit set %s device (not an enclosure) Cannot do SCSI Send diagnostic command without a DEVICE Fetch VPD page 0xde (NVMe Identify ctl) failed, continue VPD page 0xde (NVMe Identify ctl) less than 4096 bytes, continue NVMe Identify ctl response: nvmsr=%u, oacs=0x%x >>> MI Send+Receive commands bit set; current state: %s, %s Unit attention detected: %s ... continue Request Sense near startup detected something: Sense key: %s, additional: %s ... continue Request sense failed (res=%d), most likely problems ahead %s: Subenclosure nickname status page, res=%d %s: Subenclosure nickname status page, response length too short: %d %s: generation code from status page: %u %s: --clear= and --set= only supported when DEVICE is given >>> Found %s acronym but not for element type %d s_byte=%d, s_bit=%d, n_bits=%d Applying mask to element status [etc=%d] prior to modify then write couldn't send Enclosure Control page No Threshold In/Out element available couldn't send Threshold Out page No additional element status element available --clear and --set not available for Additional Element Status page page %s not supported for cgs descriptor name: %s not found (check the 'ed' page [0x7]) device slot number: %d not found acroynm %s inconsistent with page_code=0x%x %s: Supported (SES) dpage seems corrupt, should ascend Sending Enclosure Control [0x%x] page, with page length=%d bytes Sending String Out [0x%x] page, with page length=%d bytes couldn't send String Out page Sending Threshold Out [0x%x] page, with page length=%d bytes Sending Array Control [0x%x] page, with page length=%d bytes couldn't send Array Control page Sending Subenclosure String Out [0x%x] page, with page length=%d bytes couldn't send Subenclosure String Out page Sending Download Microcode Control [0x%x] page, with page length=%d bytes Perhaps it would be better to use the sg_ses_microcode utilitycouldn't send Download Microcode Control page Sending Subenclosure Nickname Control [0x%x] page, with page length=%d bytes couldn't send Subenclosure Nickname Control page Setting SES control page 0x%x not supported by this utility That can be done with the sg_senddiag utility with its '--raw=' option Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information Add '-h' to command line for usage infomation acroynm %s not found (try '-ee' option) %s: ignored when no device name >>> Warning: A NVMe enclosure needs both the enclosure bit and support for bad element type abbreviation [%s] for '--index' use '--enumerate' to see possibles '--page=PG' argument abbreviation "%s" not found Here are the choices: No download microcode operation in progressDownload in progress, awaiting moreDownload complete, updating non-volatile storageUpdating non-volatile storage with deferred microcodeComplete, no error, starting nowComplete, no error, start after hard reset or power cycleComplete, no error, start after power cycleComplete, no error, start after activate_mc, hard reset or power cycleError, discarded, see additional statusInternal error, need new microcode before resetInternal error, need new microcode, reset safeUnexpected activate_mc receivedexpander device (fanout, SAS-1.1)SEND DIAGNOSTIC page code errorSEND DIAGNOSTIC page format errordevice slot number (255: none)Offset for reference temperature0: turn (remain) off; 1: turn on0: no; 1: start in pow_c_delay minutes; 2: canceldelay in minutes before starting power cycle (max: 60)0: power off, restore within 1 minute; <=60: restore within that many minutes; 63: power off, wait for manual power ontime in minutes remaining until starting power cycle; 0: not scheduled; <=60: scheduled in that many minutes; 63: in zero minutesstatus only: alarm was manually muted0: leave; 1: lowest... 7: highestEnclosure services controller electronics?? [Supported Diagnostic Pages]?? [Short Enclosure Status (SES)]?? [Additional Element Status (SES-2)]?? [Subenclosure Help Text (SES-2)]Subenclosure String Out (SES-2)?? [Supported SES Diagnostic Pages (SES-2)]Protocol Specific (SAS transport)Additional Element Status (SES-2)Subenclosure Help Text (SES-2)Subenclosure String In (SES-2)Supported SES Diagnostic Pages (SES-2)Enclosure Status/Control (SES)Array Status/Control (SES, obsolete)Subenclosure String In/Out (SES-2)All SES diagnostic pages output (sg_ses)read from binary file %s: %s read from binary pipe %s: %s %s: unable to open file: %s 0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF , 0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF, %s: error at pos %d %s: user provided data: , first 256 bytesReceive diagnostic results %s command for %s Attempt to fetch %s failed %s %s dpagedpage 0x%x,%s%s %s [ [0x%x] %s [0x%lx%ld%s%02x %02x %02x %02x %slow warning=%s, low critical=%s (in minutes) (above nominal current)reserved connector type: 0x%x%sSlot address: %d %sDevice bypassed B=%d %sUT warning=%d %sTemperature=%d C %sTemperature: %sInvop type=%d %s %sPage not supported=%d %sBatt fail=%d, BPF=%d ['%c']%sIdent=%d, Fail=%d %sCrit Under=%d %sVoltage: %.2f volts %sCurrent: %.2f amps %s%s, pl=%d%sIdent=%d, %s %s: too many elements %s: config too short vendor specific [0x%x] SMP STP SSP SATA_device SATA_port_selector (not reported)%02x %sTransport protocol: FCP %snumber of ports: %d %snode_name: %02x, device slot number: %d%s n_port name: %sTransport protocol: SAS %sdescriptor_type: %d %sphy index: %d %s SAS device type: %s %s attached SAS address: 0x %s SAS address: 0x %s phy identifier: 0x%x %snumber of phys: %d %sSAS address: 0x%s [%d] no connectorbroken [conn_idx=%d] [%d]connector ei: %d; broken [oth_elem_idx=%d]%.*s [%d,%d] etype: %sother ei: %d%s phy_id: 0x%x %s %sPCIe protocol type: NVMe , device slot number: %d %sPCIe vendor id: 0x%x%s %sserial number: %.20s %smodel number: %.40s %sport index: %d %s controller id: 0x%x %sTransport protocol: PCIe [0x%x: %d,%d] se_id=%d ei_ioe,_eoe,_aess=%s,%s dsn=%s sa=0x ES+%s ED+%s AES+%s TI+%s>> ES len=%s, ED len=%s, AES len=%s, TI len=%s >> join_arr elements=%s, eip_count=%s, eiioe_count=%s broken_ei=%d [%d,%d] Element type: %s Enclosure Status: Additional Element Status: Threshold In: -%d [primary] but overriddensg_set_binary_mode # %s: # %s [0x%x]: # Response in hex for %s: Supported diagnostic pages generation code: 0x%x enclosure descriptor list vendor-specific data: text: %.*s status descriptor list Overall descriptor: Element %d descriptor: Array Status diagnostic page:Threshold In diagnostic page: INVOP=%d Overall descriptor: Element %d descriptor %.*s nickname status: 0x%x nickname: %.*s enumerate*??clearautoforce-1 SAS address (in hex): missing DEVICE name! 2.43 20180810version: %s %s [%s] [0x%x] (element type: %s) %s [%s] [%d:%d:%d]%-44s %s %-34s %s unable to decode: %s value open error: %s: %s %.8s %.16s %.4s enclosure services device0x%lx %ld SAS address not found index: %d,%d-%d not found not foundclose error: %s sg_ses failed: %.*sError, discarded, image errorTimeout, discardedno SAS device attachedend deviceexpander devicereserved [4]reserved [5]reserved [6]reserved [7]ReservedVendor specific errorBytesKiBMiBGiBstoppedat lowest speedat second lowest speedat third lowest speedat intermediate speedat third highest speedat second highest speedat highest speedUnsupportedOKCriticalNoncriticalUnrecoverableNot installedUnknownNot availableNo access allowedreserved [9]reserved [10]reserved [11]reserved [12]reserved [13]reserved [14]reserved [15]byte1controldatadescriptordev-slot-numdev_slot_numdsneiioefiltergethelpindexinner-hexinner_hexjoinnickidnicknamemaskmaxlenquietrawreadonlysas-addrverboseversionat_sas_addrdev_type1: SAS/SATA dev, 2: expandernum_physnumber of physphy_idsata_devsata_port_selsmp_initsmp_targssp_initssp_targstp_initstp_targhigh_crithigh_warnlow_critlow_warnac_failac_hiac_loac_qualactivebatt_failbpfbypabypass port Abypbbypass port Bconscheckconsistency checkctr_linkconnector physical linkctr_typeconnector typecurrent in centiampsdc_faildisabledisable_elmdisable port/transceiverdisable communication portdevoffdisp_modedisp_chardnrdo not removeenablefailure_indfaulthotsparehotswaphw_resethardware resetidentflash LEDincritarrayinfailedarrayinfoemits warning tone when setinsertintf_faillanguagelanguage codelocatelolLoss of Linkmatedmissingcontrol only: mute the alarmstatus only: alarm is mutedNot providing powerNot providing coolingoffset_tempokopenDC overcurrentovercurrent_warnovercurrent warningovertemp_failOvertemperature failureovertemp_warnOvertemperature warningDC overvoltageovervoltage_warnDC overvoltage warningpow_cyclepow_c_delaypow_c_durationpow_c_timeprdfailpredict failurerebuildremapremindreportrqst_muterqst_overrideRequest(ed) overriderrabortrebuild/remap abortrsvddevicereserved deviceselect_elementshort_statshort enclosure statussizespeed_actactual speed (rpm / 10)speed_codesize_multsw_resetsoftware reset(Requested) temperatureunlockundertemp_failUndertemperature failureundertemp_warnUndertemperature warningDC undervoltageundervoltage_warnDC undervoltage warningups_failurgencyvoltage in centivoltswarning_indxmit_failTransmitter failureelement type code formunUnspecifiedDevice slotPower supplycooCoolingTemperature sensordoDooraaAudible alarmescsceSCC controller electronicsNonvolatile cacheiorInvalid operation reasonupsUninterruptible power supplydisDisplaykpeKey pad entryencEnclosureSCSI port/transceiverlanLanguagecpCommunication portvsVoltage sensorCurrent sensorstpSCSI target portsipSCSI initiator portssSimple subenclosurearrArray device slotsseSAS expandersscSAS connectoracaesallascfdmebecsdpsesshtsnicsspsstrth?? [Configuration (SES)]Enclosure Control (SES)Help Text (SES)String Out (SES)Threshold Out (SES)Array Control (SES, obsolete)?? [Element Descriptor (SES)]?? [Enclosure Busy (SES-2)]Download Microcode (SES-2)Subenclosure Nickname (SES-2)Translate Address (SBC)Device Status (SBC)Rebuild Assist Output (SBC)Supported Diagnostic PagesConfiguration (SES)String In (SES)Threshold In (SES)Array Status (SES, obsolete)Element Descriptor (SES)Short Enclosure Status (SES)Enclosure Busy (SES-2)Rebuild Assist Input (SBC)String In/Out (SES)Threshold In/Out (SES)Rebuild Assist (SBC)xP8h@@@@@@@ PX@@@@@@@0Hp(p@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@p-X+H*)-H('X'' )(($##""!"@!   ,H% ,d#mvg0ihio ef.gMgi:kl mbcY6Y{Y YYYYYYKYYiYYYYYYYYYYY>1 YYY=0#YYggggggXgadditional_elem_sdgprocess_status_page_sjoin_aes_helperbuild_type_desc_hdr_arrses_cgsdo_rec_diagses_set_nicknameread_hex@@N<@`@`@@@_@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@N<@@@?Y@SAS 4x receptacle (SFF-8470) [maMini SAS 4x receptacle (SFF-8088QSFP+ receptacle (SFF-8436) [maxMini SAS 4x active receptacle (SFF-8088) [max 4 Mini SAS HD 4x receptacle (SFF-8644) [max 4 physMini SAS HD 8x r644) [max 8 physMini SAS HD 16xMini SAS HD 16x receptacle (SFF-8644) [max 16 phVendor specificSAS 4i plug (SFF-8484) [max 4 phMini SAS 4i receptacle (SFF-8087Mini SAS HD 4i r643) [max 4 physMini SAS HD 8i r643) [max 8 physMini SAS HD 16iMini SAS HD 16i 8643) [max 16 phSAS SlimLine 4iSAS SlimLine 4i (SFF-8654) [max SAS SlimLine 8iSAS SlimLine 8i SAS MiniLink 4iSAS MiniLink 4i (SFF-8612) [max SAS MiniLink 8iSAS MiniLink 8i SAS Drive backplane receptacle (SFF-8482) [max 2SATA host plug [SAS Drive plug (SATA device plugMicro SAS receptacle [max 2 physMicro SATA device plug [max 1 phMicro SAS plug (SFF-8486) [max 2Micro SAS/SATA plug (SFF-8486) [12 Gb/s SAS drive backplane receptacle (SFF-8680e plug (SFF-8680Multifunction 12 Gb/s 6x recepta Gb/s 6x unshielded receptacle (ded plug (SFF-86SAS MultiLink Drive backplane receptacle (SFF-86ive backplane plReserved for internal connectorsSAS virtual connector [max 1 phyVS internal connVendor specific internal connectSAS high density drive backplane receptacle (SFF-8631) [max 8 ph plug (SFF-8631);@P8`P`H h`|,,PPPp-D12CdXt( ptp zRx /D$4(FJ w?:*3$"\t@\BBB E(D0A8D@R 8C0A(B BBBF D8F0A(B BBBL BBB B(A0A8G7 8D0A(B BBBA tP\BEE G(G0G8JYKFP} 8D0A(B BBBE \YKFPHZBDB B(A0K8N@+8A0A(B BBB8BIB A(A0(A BBBPPBEE D(D0R8K@KHDPAXB`I0L (D BBBF \dIBv H $uAu E X E XBu I ~TPBBB D(A0J_XMA^ 0A(A BBBH tB H xBBB E(A0A8JWUfANLYA` 8A0A(B BBBH oKfA[MaBtLiBQ\DKXIAXgODPRMeAHY_AXKhBHY_BXKhALY`BO`BzY_AtJiBlvBPKRAtQhBGDLALY`ByKhBHY`AekNBLiBHSSBcPHArLHEqHBSIOA}MhA`P^ARKkBKFgQZHOKF@eAHh&BBE B(A0D8Dp/ 8D0A(B BBBH <8*BDD I DBG { DBG ZDB*BEB E(A0D8D 8A0A(B BBBF ,]cBvJ]BQSA7QTB\$;BIE B(A0D8I 8A0A(B BBBD CMPAOnBIE E(A0D8G  8C0A(B BBBH  a \ A / a \ B  O R B l`4FGB I(A0D8IU 8D0A(B BBBA PFFR PFFRBLfBPFFR D_A\OFIbOFIDL ieFIE E(D0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB i@*ALt\ivu(uɅم3K\hktĆц߆  P Xpxo  : A1 ooooo 0P@PPP`PpPPPPPPPPPQQ Q0Q@QPQ`QpQQQQQQQQQRR R0R@RPR`RpRRRRRRRRRSS S0S@SPS`SpSSSSSSSSSTT Trrr sXssss8t`ttt%bpC+c3d8DCxPx]xaEaegfnGrhHwI}iijlNnMm{pqrRŇAAiSڌs·vևVwއ @]Pu(@/ 8 F O X a j s |    ň ψ ӈ؈ӈ؈6?9Nc kss ĉ Ή҉Ή҉Ή҉Ή҉Ή҉Ή ҉    t "("("("("("(" ("("("(" ("("" ("("("("("("("("(" ("(2>LQmmt ~(((((( (((( (( ((((((((( ((Q؊pu*ۇۇu-55525ARftҋuu0vv!1ىى>EEEEL0wVdyʌ  Xw &%5MTc|ƍލ ֍ ֍/FI4U`anrzw 8Ɏ ێߎ   %)7;HE[_hk~Ǝ̏Ϗ  #'*-0 3' ?6:> BG K LPwSlאw  w x Hx hx,?x@JAbBv ё 7 x x y (y,?x@JAbBNPyi}py 7 x x y (y,?x@JAbBya02a0b536d770d8c46b5cdc7888953198e5612.debug ~.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.property.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88 &XX$9|| Go4Q Y :aonop}1BAAPP P P0T0T@T@T@X@XXX   {  ppxx@ @@& @@ @4t